Saturday, December 20, 2008

what happened to my kittens??

i had 3 kittens actually . and now its all gone . my family are all very sad bout what happened because we thought that we might be able to keep it for a long time . but that just didn't happen . our first kitten died because of some illnesses i believed . it was very small at that time . the second kitten was a different story . by the time it was about 3 weeks it had an accident . apparently half of its leg was gone . the things started when mumi started the engine of her car and suddenly the kitten fall down from the bottom of the car and screaming . i took a look at it and all i knew that its leg was gone . i cried when i looked at the kitten . it keeps screaming because of the pain . when i picked it up and looked into it's eyes it looks like it was crying too . my sis and mumi drove off to the clinic immediately . for 3 days the kitten struggled with the pain and i took care of it . eventually it died too . i buried it at my backyard . i dun have any pictures of it because it was very sad and scary to see the pictures of its leg and what remains .

my third kitten : from front view

my third kitten : from side view

my third kitten is very special . it was born with a leg longer that the other . a birth defect in other words . the longer leg bends at the middle . because of that the kitten can't walk properly . for a while it stayed wit us for a few weeks . but unfortunately it went missing 3 days ago . i searched everywhere but there's no luck . and now its mother has gone crazy . mak kucing cantik telah meroyan . huhu . everyday for all day it searching the kittens . pity the cat . all i can do is watch as it keeps on calling the kittens . i dunno maybe by their names . some cat's language . ok i'm not a cat eventhough i'm cute like a cat how can i know??? . but i did try to caunselling the mother . huhu . at least i try to do something ok . but i think the mother is going to be just fine . haha ! well just wait and see .

Friday, December 19, 2008


well i know that many of you have watch twilight . some of you may have read the novel . i don't want to be a fanatic fan of robert pattinson or edward cullen . but the truth that i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with edward cullen is undeniable . huhu . no!!! i'm not in love with edward ok!! . i just thought and dream/hoping that there will be a guy out there like edward . well i know there is one out there . but that type of guy is so hard to find in these days!! . haha . well i think edward is the perfect guy in town ermm almost perfect but in a sexy way . the sexy thing is he is a 100 years old vampire . what could be more irressistible than that?? right?? but we already know that he really loves bella and will do anything to save bella . against all odds . his family , his enemy , his vampire part trapped in his body . that guy is the ultimate guy-to-date . huhu . maybe some of you might think that he is the ultimate guy-to-have-a-life-with . but for me if i have that type of guy the ultimate guy in front of my eyes definitely he will be the guy-i-want-to-spent-the-rest-of-my-life-with . owh i forgot . scratch 'the vampire' from the list . i don't want to live a life and rotten underground while he live young for forever . no way!!

bite me , edward

the sexiest vampire in town!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i'm tired

i'm tired of thinking
i'm tired of suffering?
i'm tired of remembering..
i'm tired of fighting myself
i'm tired of ignoring
i'm tired of searching
i'm tired of pretending
i'm tired of waiting
i'm tired to keep myself up
i'm tired mostly of you
i want to get out