i had 3 kittens actually . and now its all gone . my family are all very sad bout what happened because we thought that we might be able to keep it for a long time . but that just didn't happen . our first kitten died because of some illnesses i believed . it was very small at that time . the second kitten was a different story . by the time it was about 3 weeks it had an accident . apparently half of its leg was gone . the things started when mumi started the engine of her car and suddenly the kitten fall down from the bottom of the car and screaming . i took a look at it and all i knew that its leg was gone . i cried when i looked at the kitten . it keeps screaming because of the pain . when i picked it up and looked into it's eyes it looks like it was crying too . my sis and mumi drove off to the clinic immediately . for 3 days the kitten struggled with the pain and i took care of it . eventually it died too . i buried it at my backyard . i dun have any pictures of it because it was very sad and scary to see the pictures of its leg and what remains .
my third kitten : from front view
my third kitten : from side view
my third kitten is very special . it was born with a leg longer that the other . a birth defect in other words . the longer leg bends at the middle . because of that the kitten can't walk properly . for a while it stayed wit us for a few weeks . but unfortunately it went missing 3 days ago . i searched everywhere but there's no luck . and now its mother has gone crazy . mak kucing cantik telah meroyan . huhu . everyday for all day it searching the kittens . pity the cat . all i can do is watch as it keeps on calling the kittens . i dunno maybe by their names . some cat's language . ok i'm not a cat eventhough i'm cute like a cat how can i know??? . but i did try to caunselling the mother . huhu . at least i try to do something ok . but i think the mother is going to be just fine . haha ! well just wait and see .
my third kitten is very special . it was born with a leg longer that the other . a birth defect in other words . the longer leg bends at the middle . because of that the kitten can't walk properly . for a while it stayed wit us for a few weeks . but unfortunately it went missing 3 days ago . i searched everywhere but there's no luck . and now its mother has gone crazy . mak kucing cantik telah meroyan . huhu . everyday for all day it searching the kittens . pity the cat . all i can do is watch as it keeps on calling the kittens . i dunno maybe by their names . some cat's language . ok i'm not a cat eventhough i'm cute like a cat how can i know??? . but i did try to caunselling the mother . huhu . at least i try to do something ok . but i think the mother is going to be just fine . haha ! well just wait and see .