Saturday, April 23, 2011

After Midnight by Yuna Zarai

From LYRICSMODE.COM lyrics archive

After midnight I shall kidnap you from the world
And I'll keep you in my room
Hush now my love and hold my hand
After midnight I shall take you to a place
Where no one else should know of
Hush now my love and hold my hand

You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me

Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only

After midnight
I shall stay awake
And if you chose to close your eyes now
Hush now my love
I'll watch you sleep

You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me

Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only

Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only

this song is really amazing right? the first time i heard this i really like it . but i dunno why i never heard this song play on air in radio . because this is an old song but i never heard it before . or maybe i'm just so outdated about yuna songs ? hurmmmmm

Friday, April 22, 2011

the header

yeap i finally got the right header for my blog . i'm so relieve because right now i like it . hahaha . nope i didn't make the header myself . of course i took it from . so illegally i snatch someone else work . i'm really sorry . :) .

it's Seungri BTW . i love my panda so much .

and if you scroll down you will notice that my two favourite couple, Seungri and GDragon = GRi,, closing their eyes like they did when they sleep with each other on the bed . my fan girl imaginations starts bursting out right now . hehehehe . well,, that's all for right now . i will come back again ! bye peeps :)

the prince, the pauper and the dark knight

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! i seriously want to see this last 5 episodes of Gossip Girl Season 4!!!!!!!

i am officially totally going nuts !!! seriously ! i mean Dan & Blair = Dair . A Humphrey and a Waldorf . seriously what are the odds? they are totally opposites form each other . Upper East Siders and a Brooklyn . totally opposites . but seriously they are so cute together ! . i just LOVE them . although i'm still a Chair fan but if things going to change that there will be Dair in the future,, i'm up to it . because they are SO CUTE together . I LOVE THEM . LOVEEEEEEEEE THEM .


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

long lost post

well . this actually came from my notes in facebook . which i totally forget to post it here . it was written on April 29, 2010 . yeap . so it's something that you guys should read . enough here . enjoy :)

saya dpt msg mlm td dari seorang rakan saya.. she says that love and like are two DIFFERENT things.. have you been in this kind of situation? where you don't know whether you are in a sense is it LIKE or LOVE? kadang2 kita rasa kita suka org tu tapi perasaan tu terlalu kuat.. maka apakah ia? LOVE? and sometimes we felt like we love him/her but then that feeling you realised is not that STRONG to be called love,, so is it LIKE? how to know whether your feelings to him/her is LIKE or LOVE? I mean how you really know? it is a QUESTION that we have to ask our heart.. but first you have to know that LIKE and LOVE are two DIFFFERENT things.. then only your heart can give the ANSWER.. I agreed with her.. LOVE and LIKE are two DIFFERENT things.. perasaan bila berhadapan dgn org yg kita CINTA dan org yg kita SUKA pn dah berbeza.. contohnya,

Di hadapan orang yang kita cinta, hati kita akan berdegup kencang.
Tapi di depan orang yang kita suka, hati kita akan gembira.

Di depan orang yang kita cinta, musim sentiasa berbunga-bunga.
Di depan orang yang kita suka, musim itu cuma berangin sahaja.

Jikalau kita lihat di dalam mata orang yang kita cinta, kita akan kaku.
Jikalau kita melihat mata orang yang kita suka, kita akan tersenyum.

Di depan orang yang kita cinta, lidah kelu untuk berkata-kata.
Di depan orang yang kita suka, lidah bebas berkata apa sahaja.
Di depan orang yang kita cinta, kita menjadi malu.
Di depan orang yang kita suka, kita akan tunjukkan imej yang sebenar.

Kita tidak boleh merenung mata orang yang kita cinta.
Tapi kita selalu merenung mata orang yang kita suka.

Bila orang yang kita cinta menangis, kita akan turut menangis.
Bila orang yang kita suka menangis, kita akan membuat dia gembira.

Perasaan cinta bermula dari kata.
Perasaan suka bermula dari telinga.

Jadi, jikalau kita berhenti menyukai seseorang yang kita suka. Umpama kita membuang telinga kita. Tapi jika kita cuba menutup mata. Cinta berbuah menjadi airmata. Setiap orang akan mengalami ini dalam hidup mereka.

yup! I agreed.. bila2 mase je kita boleh tak suke pada org yg kita suke.. tp kita takkan boleh membenci org yg kita cinta no matter how hard you try you will never hate your love.. another friend of mine says that LOVE is when you SET YOUR EYES on that person and you know that you only want to be with him/her..

LOVE is when you give all your heart and LOSING IT to that person.. LOVE is when you give someone the ability to BREAK YOUR HEART but TRUSTING them not to..

BELIEVE yourself that you have made the right choice.. that is IMPORTANT.. because it is important for you to MOVE ON and LIVE your life.. ada kawan saya cakap,, agak kelakar juga orangnye ;) hee.. die kata hidup ni bukan setakat nk cari awek or pakwe je.. betul jugak.. ape salahnya klu single? and tak ade salahnye juga klu bercinta.. terpulang pada individu masing2.. people said life is about CHOICES..
what i want to say here is no matter HOW you feel you have to be HONEST to yourself.. don't lie yourself because YOU KNOW BETTER.. there's a huge difference between LIKE and LOVE.. know WHAT you want and DO IT.
