30/3 ; banting
went for my cousins engagement and kenduri . most of my baju kurung is purple colour . i don't know why but i like purple bju kurug . look nice and sweet . hehe . so when we get there (the bride's home) i saw a mini austin car . it was damn cute! (mumi,,,adik nak!) huhu . really cute but sadly my camera was out of battery then (mengong!) . kurang2 pn dpt la gak pic muke ak nih . huhu! proud with my artwork :wink:

went for my cousins engagement and kenduri . most of my baju kurung is purple colour . i don't know why but i like purple bju kurug . look nice and sweet . hehe . so when we get there (the bride's home) i saw a mini austin car . it was damn cute! (mumi,,,adik nak!) huhu . really cute but sadly my camera was out of battery then (mengong!) . kurang2 pn dpt la gak pic muke ak nih . huhu! proud with my artwork :wink: