first raya day in my house has always been as usual . not many guest and relatives came to my house today . on the morning as usual i woke up early . prepare kuih raya . and everything then eat . ahaha!! . after one month of fasting finally i can eat a lot . well my favourite food of coz la rendang and kuah kacang . yum yum!! . thnx to alip for the lemang and rendang he gave . all the way from rembau . original! . i like the lemang . he said he made it himself . ok . i jus got back from visiting my mumi's fmly . which took about 5 minutes to get there . by car . saya ni la orangnye yang xde kampung . ahaha! . sad =[ . yup i got some duit raya . but money is not important . the important thg is family bond . i love to see my cousins . they are all really cheerful and fun . my most closest cousins . marina is having pmr exm dis year . i wish her the best of luck . i want her to be successful in pmr . i went to her house juz now . where i actually having fun playing wit her cat!! . my god! . the cat is so fat and cute! . it is the biggest cat i've ever seen in my whole life!! . lucky my sis took pics when i was playing and padding the cat . the cat is a 'he' . and it's name is MERAH .
my sis nora and me playing wit the cat . cuddling and hugging the cat like a big pillow! ahaha !
geramnye dgn kucig ni!! it's so damn cute! i wish i had a cat like that! owwh =}
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