Saturday, November 29, 2008

graduation day

yup2! the graduation day moment! . love every moment of it . but sadly i can't publish the video here bcoz there's some problem uploading it . so i'm very sorry guys . but if anyone wants the video let me know and i'll email it to you . insyallah .

somehow i think i better upload my pic rather than the video coz i'm not in the video . bgus sgguh . haha!! . yup!! . it's just so hard to resist my ugly face!! . huhuhu =}

playing bitchy or whatever i don't care haha!!

nie la plajar berbudi bhs (cik ziha yg pkai blazer tu)
** yg cute tu pn sme gak haha!!

kiela the mental institute girl haha!! =}

hugs and kisses?? to khaleeda!! muax!!

kesedihan yg melampau! . didn't expect that i finished up the whole bunched of tissue . haha!! so now u can see me cry . sush tau nk tgk air mte perempuan tmbh2 saye orgnye . insaf2 ... hehe =]

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