i watch marley and me today . that movie is so good . i nearly cry because of the emotions in that movie . i am an animal lover so i know how it feels when you lose a companion . like my previous cats . yarh even though animals don't know anything, they don't know your feelings but they sure know how to love . like my cat . my boyfriend and all . hehe . yup my busuk Itam . even though my mumi always you know bullied him and sometimes i bullied him too but he's still loyal to our family for 7 years! . yup i had to count the years because his been with us for so long . just like marley . Itam knows this family very well . his apart of the family . from all in my family he relate to me the most . he likes to sleep on my chest . i don't know why . haha! . but i like to hug him . my family doesn't like it you know because i always get flu when i play with Itam . but he still come back to our house because he knows that this family loves him . haha! . okay no need to be sentimental now haha! . if you are an animal lover i really suggest you to watch this movie . it just a simple movie but full with a lot of love in family . 

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