Saturday, May 2, 2009

this part is me

wow! a whole month is a complete chaos for me . well i didnt mentioned to u guys, sorry haha . yeah i'm working right now as a clerk at the orphanage for one month now. huhu :feel like very angelic: haha . yup basically my work/job there is almost like

A MANAGER, AN ACCOUNTANT, A CLEANER AND A BABY-SITTER . yeah . i'm like their su-per-fec-tion of a good workaholic . so much work! . yet so much fun. those naughty and active kids just make u wanna laugh everyday. but i have to leave them soon because

A) i take a job as a promoter with khaleeda at jusco aeon bkt tinggi starting this 11th May and

B) i am going to make my first journey as an IPTA student! haha =) i got an offer for diploma civil engineering at UiTM . which UiTM? . I don't know about that . yeah . i know people say

A) diploma's take longer years to finish . well, i don't care much about completing degree faster . if u count the difference in years for diploma student and matric student is only 6 months faster .

B) engineer's dont have job . well i know about things with engineering today . they're bit slow . but u know with economy situations today, in any parts of the profession world, people get fired everyday . and we're not sure if these situations will be long for many years to come .

so rather than i choose something that in the end i can't do, i better just take the chance in front of me . to success u must risk . and therefore i risk myself to do something that i think was right . i hope that i can do my best to success in this new part of my life .


Aku Darah Anak Melayu said...

colourfull betoi blog dia..

FiDA_diEN said...

orgnye pn ceria
huhuhu =P

Aku Darah Anak Melayu said...

huhuhuhuh ;p