Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random Awesome by Yuna

Another new song by Yuna called Random Awesome . This girl was just 'something' you know . And I really love the fact that she continue to produce new songs and what's more amazing is that her songs are just so beautiful . Her songs are mostly in English . And from what I heard her songs had received many fans from international which is very proudful since she's from my country .

The songs is about a guy she liked and how she felt for him . Listening while reading her lyrics, I think this songs is maybe about her own experience like her other songs also . She's just so creative and talented .

So why don't you take your time here and enjoy it . Have a nice day =)

The Deadlies Free Awesome Songs!!!

Time for music! Okay I will start with one of my favourite band which is The Deadlies . I just went to their website just now and I got my hands on their 3 free songs . Yes, they were giving 3 free songs on their facebook . The songs titles are "Fire", "A Lesson In Futility" and "Calm Down". I love love love LOVE all of their songs . I mean "Here In the Dark" are, I think, one of my favourite songs all time . It just blows my mind away the first time I listened to it . So yeah hehe =))

Enough said . Because if you don't believe me, then try listen to their songs below . You'll know what I mean =)

The Deadlies! When are you coming to Malaysia?? I'm dying to see you guys TT__TT

Monday, July 11, 2011

Transformers 3 : Dark Of The Moon

Yup. The third installation of the saga is now showing! Have you guys watch it on the cinema? One of the hottest summer movies that you must watch . Of course with the genius brain of Michael Bay, the movie was so full with action pack from our heroes, which is the Autobots and obviously Optimus Prime and Sam Whitwicky.

The movie duration was 3 hours. Seriously one of the longest movie I've watched in cinema besides The Lord Of The Rings : The Return Of The King . But nevertheless, I never seem to be bored or tired during the entire movie because it is so full with action pack .

I really have to give Michael Bay some salutation for his work . The graphics, the technology, the sound, all the creation to make the imaginations came to life was so mind blowing! I actually felt all the adrenaline pumping in my veins while watching it . Good job .

But of course there's also a some aspect that I think need to be improve . For example, the overflowing of the story line in the beginning of the movie . There's just so many information that the audience have to pay attention to . Like how humans discovered evidence on alien robots on the Moon . And then about the spacecraft, the technology from Cybertron and there's also about Sentinel who supposed to be Autobots allies but in the end he betrayed the Autobots. There's so many points that I need to grabbed though it was not that complicated . Just too many things went on in the starting . But I understand that the purpose was to make viewers understand the whole story.

There's also some little details that was missing in the movie . There's some scenes in the movie that seems to be clashed on each other . Like suddenly, Sentinel appeared to exposed himself as the bad guy right after Sam discovered about Megatron plans . It was totally unexpected because Sentinel was told to be the saviour . I don't know whether it is an element of surprise to the viewers or because of the time so they had to cut the plot .

There's also one scene that seems a little bit confusing for me was when Bumblebee saved Sam from falling off the building after defeated Starscream . At first Bumblebee saved Sam but then the next minute Bumblebee was captured by the Decepticons . I was confused at that time because there was no scene that showed how Bumblebee got captured and was about to be kill by the Decepticons, when a minute before that he was actually save with the soldiers . Errr... pretty much confusing there .

Then this part about Sam's parents lecturing Sam about his new girlfriend are totally not-suppose-to-be-there-but-it-did . I mean seriously, Sam was busy fighting the bad robots to save the world but then suddenly he went home and got a lecture from his parents . Immediately right after, Sentinel got away . I.. I feel annoyed, somehow . I don't know . Maybe because the movie was so long and I was anxious to see what happens next but then this scene came up . For me, I just want to get down to the best part of the movie without being 'interrupted' by some unimpressive scene .

The new heroin who had replaced Megan Fox as Sam's sexy girlfriend, Rosie Huntington-Whitley . Of course, she is hot, sexy and all that, but I don't know what her role in the movie . Except for being Sam's girlfriend, get captured by the robots, and make Megatron pissed which then derived the death of Sentinel . I mean, you watched how Megan Fox fighting with the robots with Bumblebee on the first movie and then how she fought that robot which almost kill Sam in his college on the second movie, right, Megan Fox was like the sexy and normal version of Wonder Woman! . She rode bikes, she fixed cars, she even killed bad robots! That is super hot! But Rosie's character was soft and dependable . Her attraction are mainly her pretty face and sexy body . I think she's a model and not an actress so she's not fit enough to do actions scenes . Hurm... *heartbroken*

All in all, I gave 4.3 out of 5 to Transformer 3 : Dark Of The Moon . I'm not sure about whether there will be the fourth installations, because Megatron is dead, Sentinel also dead but I do hope there will be one in the future . To those of you who still haven't watched Transformer, I suggest you should hurry and get the tickets to watch!! Bye!

Even wrinkles are so pretty on her face TT__TT

I mean come on! Who can even forget this scene? Huh? Huh??

Omg.... if I want to be a lesbian, she will be my reason . Damn .

BTW . That is her real tattoo : "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART"
Owh how touching is that.... TT__TT
Never thought that she has a little Shakespeare in her heart . <333333

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

dinner marine

already too late. but never mind. i'm happy thinking about this night so i just want to share. that's all. it's our dinner with all my fellow course mate last semester. the theme of the night is white. so we dressed all white form head to toe. the best dinner so far! love my friends and my course mate. they're all the best!

hehe. macam bunian tak? sume putih je kan? klu ckap org putih cmni haa - don't we all look like elflings? . kekeke . sweet memory :)))
owh clicky-clicky for the bigger image okay :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nur Kasih The Movie

okay . nur kasih the movie . one of the most anticipated local movie this year . from a very hit and top and successful drama tv to a comeback movie . dari cerita yang mak ak ckp, tiket tuk nur kasih the movie ni sold out sampailah 26 may . mmg giler la . mak ak pulak nk la sgt2 tgk cite tu . hari yg kiteorg pegi tuh, wayang mmg full giler penuh . and tiket tuk cite tu mse tu tiggal sikit je . so ak pon tak sure la sgt dapt ke tak tgk cite yg mak ak minat tuh . tp cuba la jugak beratur last2 dapat .

5 minit yang first ak tgk cite tu :

1. adela satu scene meletup awal2 nye . walaupun tak real langsung die punye grafik ape sume . tapi takpela ak pon tak kisah sgt . cite melayu mmg cmtu . tp ak tgk jugak la scene tu smp la yang ke si nur tu bgtau kat adam yang die mengandung . kalu korang tgk iklan die kan ade . yang tba2 si adam tu bwak kete sbb terkejut . konon nk accident la . tp ni ak nak bgtau . takde accident pon . nur tu slmat je . dan selepas ak tgk part yang itu, aku pon

2. TIDORRRR.......

selepas 5 minit yang awal sampailah ke sebelum 5 minit yang terakhir :

1. meringkuk kesejukan, dgn muka bertutupkan cardigan, golek sana golek sini, pusing sana pusing sini, aku tidor dan berangan .

2. kadang-kadang mata ak terbukak . ak tgk screen . owh terang sgt la screen ni . menganggu kegelapan aku . patu ak tarik lag cardigan dan sambung tidor .

5 minit nk abis :

1. aku terjaga . ak mengalihkan pandangan ak pada screen dan ak tgk satu scene . ade seorang bdk perempuan ni kne belasah. kepala die kne hentak kat dinding dgn samseng . tudiaaaa... memancut darah kua kat mulut . time tu ak tgk . ok cantik gak gambar die . camera effect die bagus .

2. lepas tu, ak tgk la cite die yg 5 minit akhir tu . nk spoil kan korang ke tak? bg yang belum tgk tu? haha . ak nk ckp jugak . lastnye adam mati . tp bkn la mati time muda tp mati time tua . sakit tua la kirenye . haha kesian korang . mesti da tak best kan sbb da tau . huhuhuhu

3. tiba2 de la kua sorg makcik ni . kire watak nur la time tua . and ade datuk rahim razali . betul ke nmenye . aku pon tak sure sgt . die brlakon jd abg adam . so si abg adam ni pon pegang buku diari . die menceritakan balik kisah2 lama kat si nur ni . sbb si nur ni da nyanyuk . anak sendiri pon tak igt . so terpaksalah abg adam ni igtkan die balik . last nye die pon igt . the end .

yang bestnye cite ni :

1. gambar cantik . emosi pelakon bagus .

2. sbb cite top kat tv dulu tu yang excited nk tgk tuh .

yang menjadi masalahnya :

1. 5 minit yang terakhir tuh yang membuatkan ak terjaga sebenarnya ada hikmah jugak . rupanye nk bgtau ak yang tak payah tgk cite ni pon takpe . sbb 5 minit yang terakhir tu cukup membuat kan ak phm keseluruhan jln cerita . ak tak tau la bg korang yang lain2 tu kan . bg ak, ak ni jenis yang mementingkan pengakhiran cerita tu . sbb itu la conclusion nye sgla aspek dlm movie btol tak? character, plot sumenye kne disimpulkan dlm satu bentuk yang penonton boleh igt . and yang membuatkan ak rasa cam membazir duit ak tgk sbb ending cite nur kasih SEBIJIK mcm cerita THE NOTEBOOK . sape pnah tgk cite the notebook ni, cite romantik rachel adam dgn ryan gosling yang berlakon . jha klu da pnah tgk, aku cadangkan korang TGGU JE LA NUR KASIH NI KUA TV RAYA NANTI .

2. serious ak rase cm ntah pape . drama dah best . org tgk cite nur kasih sbb jln cite die yang best . unik . apesal pegi buat ending ikot sebijik cite orang putih pulak?? slack btol la . buat la ending sndiri . follow the brand itself la . nur kasih kan cite die original tp movie pulak ceduk cite luar. nur kasih ni klu buat betul2 sepatutnya boleh menaikkan nama malaysia . tapi ni susah la ak nk ckp . ade pulak org ckp cite ni best la ape la . yang kata best tuh korang tak tgk ke cite the notebook? pegila tgk dulu cite tuh . bru korang leh pahamkan ape yang ak ckp . best lg cite tuh ke best lagi cite nur kasih ni . ak tak mau comment .

3. gambar tu cantik mmg cantik . patut dipuji la . tp bg ak la cite ni kan lebih kuat pada jln cerita die . dr sejak drama lg . org tgk sbb jln cite die yang best . drpd concentrate sgt nk buat filem jd lawa baik concentrate mcm mne nk buat ending . ni psl buku la memori la nk menceritakan balik kononnye . de flashback2 . klu die buat cite tu dr awl smp abis takde diari2 ni . flashback2 ni . da ok da .

4. mmg la ak tidor sepanjang cite tu tp yang peliknye kakak ak yang tgk dr awl smp abis ckp cite tu biase je . jlan cerita die terlalu sarat . byk sgt bnde yang berlaku . senang cerita terlalu sedih . lepas satu jadi satu lagi jadik . penonton pon tak sempat nangis . ak tnye kakak ak klu die nangis ke tak die kata tak boleh nak nangis sbb byk sgt bende jadik .

5. tgk... betapa pandainy dorg buat duit . drama punyela best . hit meletop . tu yang buat movie tuh . orang pon duyun2 je tgk cite tuh . bg orag mcm ak ni . buat penat ak je berjalan, beratur .

yang menambahkan kesengalan yang sedia ade tak terperi ni :

1. mcm bangang je cite melayu cite local tiket charge RM14 bai!! . gile kaww! . RM14 tuh boleh buat makan ak 3 ari la . ak rase cm nak bakar2 je org yang bertanggungjawab nih . tak kira la cite ape pon cite local tiket bese harga RM14 . cite foreign baru RM10 . paling mahal pon RM12 . ni ape kes?? mcm mnela org malaysia nk tgk cite local kat wayang . tiket bapak punye mahal . patu nk bising2 ckp org kita tak support filem melayu .

2. movie klu dapat award smp kat oversea ke ak tak kisah la nak charge R14 . klu award dlm local tu pk2la dulu . brg makin lame makin mahal . tp gaji tak naik2 . klu ak ni la mak yang ade 6 org anak sume nk tgk wyg cite local, tu tak termasuk popcorn lagi, mane anak2 ak nk chikedees lagi, air coke lg, balik umah mmg tak makan nasi la kan . patu jd la rakyat obesiti .

p/s : orang2 yang kua awal time ak tgk cite nur kasih ni . sumpah . ak jeles -.-" dorag tak kisah nk buang je RM14 tuh . ak pon dok pk2 lagi nk blah ke tak mse tuh .

i literally die of too much happiness

just now i went to "THE DEADLIES" and check out their wall . which i rarely do because i usually directly go to their info and listens to their songs . but just now i happened to browse their wall and there it is! they share a link to my post that i posted here last week!! . OMG! . that's freaking awesome! . i'm SO happy that they read it . hahaha XD . but they also have mistaken me as a guy . LOL . it's funny but it's ok . i'm more than happy that they spend their time to even noticed my humble blog . "THE DEADLIES",, if you read this, i want to tell you guys that you guys are really awesome ! . keep up the good work ! and we will always support you guys !! you guys are rock!!! and thanks for sharing! :))))

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the deadlies

okay i've been quite busy right now. juggling between everything from fb, twitter, lj and much more . yeah . too many too be maintained . i'm kinda exhausted . and one of the reason is because i'm writing a fic right now . i tried before and it failed . but last week somehow i've got an idea . and i think rather than i'm wasting my time why not i did something that can actually make me busy. so now i think i had the hang of it . quite to say i'm kinda like it now . how i should write a fic . so i'm in a mood to finish it before entering for the new semester in september .

okay so now back to my post for today . i want to ask you guys if you've heard about an indie band called "THE DEADLIES"? anyone? well.. actually i've never listened to any of their songs before . but then one day they added me as their friend on twitter so i went and checked out their profile . i went to their fb and from there i listened to their songs . the first song i heard is "Here In The Dark" and seriously it was so awesome . i really liked their songs . although they are actually new but their songs is pretty amazing . something i've never heard before . and they also very friendly . yup . i commented on their songs and also tweet on their profile . and they actually replied to me . so i was like okay these guys are really cool . so why don't you guys go and checked them out . seriously it will be worth it . i guarantee that.

okay so go to -->; "THE DEADLIES" you can find more info on them . seriously guys they are very cool ! go go go!

Friday, May 6, 2011

another adele's song - someone like you :)

another song by adele . this is what i called what singing is really meant . not like all those crap people listen on the radio these days . lady gaga? pfftt .

p/s : i never heard any singers who sang just like she did . she just stand there and sings but still very capturing . :)

someone like you lyrics

I heard that your settled down.
That you found a girl and your married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.
Old friend why are you so shy?
It ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.
But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it.
I'd hoped you'd see my face,
And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over.

Nevermind I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best for you too.
Don't forget me I beg
I remember you said:-
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead yeah.

You'd know how the time flies.
Only yesterday was the time of our lives.
We were born and raised in a summery haze.
Bound by the surprise of our glory days.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it.
I'd hoped you'd see my face & that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over yet.

Nevermind I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best for you too.
Don't forget me I beg
I remember you said:-
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead"

Nothing compares
no worries or cares.
Regret's and mistakes they're memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Nevermind I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best for you too.
Don't forget me I beg,
I remembered you said:-
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead"

Nevermind I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best for you too.
Don't forget me I beg,
I remembered you said:-
"Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead"
Sometimes it lasts in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead

Read more: ADELE - SOMEONE LIKE YOU LYRICS http://www.metrolyrics.com/test-themes.php#ixzz1LV3xrbUC
Copied from MetroLyrics.com

rolling in the deep by adele

she really have an amazing voice right . i love this woman .

rolling in the deep lyrics

There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark,

Finally, I can see you crystal clear,
Go ahead and sell me out and a I'll lay your ship bare,
See how I'll leave with every piece of you,
Don't underestimate the things that I will do,

There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark,

The scars of your love remind me of us,
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all,
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,
I can't help feeling,

We could have had it all,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
Rolling in the deep,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),
You had my heart inside of your hand,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
And you played it to the beat,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),

Baby, I have no story to be told,
But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn,
Think of me in the depths of your despair,
Make a home down there as mine sure won't be shared,

The scars of your love remind me of us,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
I can't help feeling,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),

We could have had it all,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
Rolling in the deep,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),
You had my heart inside of your hands,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/rolling-in-the-deep-lyrics-adele.html ]

And you played it to the beat,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),

Could have had it all,
Rolling in the deep,
You had my heart inside of your hands,
But you played it with a beating,

Throw your soul through every open door,
Count your blessings to find what you look for,
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold,
You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sown,

(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
We could have had it all,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),
We could have had it all,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
It all, it all, it all,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),

We could have had it all,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
Rolling in the deep,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),
You had my heart inside of your hands,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
And you played it to the beat,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),

Could have had it all,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),
Rolling in the deep,
(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep),
You had my heart inside of your hands,
(You're gonna wish you never had met me),

But you played it,
You played it,
You played it,
You played it to the beat.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

my lovely audience thanx!!

you have to click the picture to see the bigger image

haha . never expect that people will read my blog . from around the world! hehe . really appreciated it guys . i will continue to post in this simple blog as long as i'm able to do so . right now i'm just so excited !! thank you ! love y'all <3

Monday, May 2, 2011

top sexiest young actor according to me

watch out girls here they come ! i didn't rank them ok . it's just a list . go on . feed your eye . hahaha

sebastian stan . i just have to put him in this list although his 28 years old . the only actor above 25 in this list . but anyway, who can resist that beautiful face of him, huh? . anyone?

channing tatum . really really i mean really really super hot . he's surely will never miss my list .

steven strait . omg . just OMG . i mean is there anyone out there that have his most perfect eyes, lips, nose and also stunning body? . if that eye were looking at me like now it will burn holes in my heart . yeap .

william moseley . the high king of narnia . why he made the list? simple . he's no doubt one of the most handsome Brit actor . deal with it .

zac efron . i know you must be thinking i'm crazy isn't it ? . but hey come on . give this guy a chance . have you seen him in 17 Again? . well, you better see it . and then you can come talk to me .

of course taylor lautner made my list ! . he's my gorgeous boyfriend remember?

chace crawford . owh yes . the dream of every girl in upper east side to have a touch from him . haha . he's surely are sexy (on the bed) . hey don't hey me . see for yourself the gossip girl episode ok .

garrett hedlund . damn in tron legacy he's super duper hot in those tight suit . wow . i mean that is beyond what i watched from his character in four brothers and eragon . besides who can wear men's dress so sexily other than brad pitt in troy , huh?

penn badgley . okay . this is a hot news for me . i never like penn badgley before nor i like a dan humphrey for crying out loud . but after he's little swirl with my best friend blair waldorf . i can see his attraction going on . he has looks . especially those nose and mouth of his . ahhh yeap dan and blair would make my fandom dancing happily .

shia labeouf . the man from transformer . sexy kiss scene and car ride with the sexiest woman megan fox . different form other actors in my list , you can consider he have no special beauty such as hot body or looks that can melt a girl right away . but for me, a funny yet serious man is a sexy man himself . shia has everything a girl want - minus the looks .

ed westwick . ed westwick . hurmmm hurmmm . well, i know you may not like him in gossip girl because of his mother-chucker attitude . but those eyes and devil attitude simply can't make me sleep at night . i'm still a Chair person okay . although the idea of Dair is indeed very intriguing right now . haha :P

another Brit . the man of my soon happily-married life . alex pettyfer . there's no other reason why he's on my list . he's my fiance . every thing about him is SEXY . he's the new definition of hot, young and absolutely TO DIE FOR . there's something i found about him on the internet . maybe i will post it later . but for now . please GOD . i pray . make him MINE .