watch out girls here they come ! i didn't rank them ok . it's just a list . go on . feed your eye . hahaha
sebastian stan . i just have to put him in this list although his 28 years old . the only actor above 25 in this list . but anyway, who can resist that beautiful face of him, huh? . anyone?
channing tatum . really really i mean really really super hot . he's surely will never miss my list .
steven strait . omg . just OMG . i mean is there anyone out there that have his most perfect eyes, lips, nose and also stunning body? . if that eye were looking at me like now it will burn holes in my heart . yeap .
william moseley . the high king of narnia . why he made the list? simple . he's no doubt one of the most handsome Brit actor . deal with it .
zac efron . i know you must be thinking i'm crazy isn't it ? . but hey come on . give this guy a chance . have you seen him in 17 Again? . well, you better see it . and then you can come talk to me .
of course taylor lautner made my list ! . he's my gorgeous boyfriend remember?

chace crawford . owh yes . the dream of every girl in upper east side to have a touch from him . haha . he's surely are sexy (on the bed) . hey don't hey me . see for yourself the gossip girl episode ok .
garrett hedlund . damn in tron legacy he's super duper hot in those tight suit . wow . i mean that is beyond what i watched from his character in four brothers and eragon . besides who can wear men's dress so sexily other than brad pitt in troy , huh?
penn badgley . okay . this is a hot news for me . i never like penn badgley before nor i like a dan humphrey for crying out loud . but after he's little swirl with my best friend blair waldorf . i can see his attraction going on . he has looks . especially those nose and mouth of his . ahhh yeap dan and blair would make my fandom dancing happily .
shia labeouf . the man from transformer . sexy kiss scene and car ride with the sexiest woman megan fox . different form other actors in my list , you can consider he have no special beauty such as hot body or looks that can melt a girl right away . but for me, a funny yet serious man is a sexy man himself . shia has everything a girl want - minus the looks .
ed westwick . ed westwick . hurmmm hurmmm . well, i know you may not like him in gossip girl because of his mother-chucker attitude . but those eyes and devil attitude simply can't make me sleep at night . i'm still a Chair person okay . although the idea of Dair is indeed very intriguing right now . haha :P
another Brit . the man of my soon happily-married life . alex pettyfer . there's no other reason why he's on my list . he's my fiance . every thing about him is SEXY . he's the new definition of hot, young and absolutely TO DIE FOR . there's something i found about him on the internet . maybe i will post it later . but for now . please GOD . i pray . make him MINE .
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