hahah.. its been so long since i blog . miss my blog . haha . i'm already entering new semester . and italmost finish . waiting for my final around the corner . nmpak sgt da berzaman ak tak bukak blog ni . well because i am damn busy with study trips and so much!! . gosh i'm going crazy ! . but seriously, student life is so tiring . i just hope i can end this semester with peace . hahah . sbb ak da tak saba saba nk cuti . gile penat . every week i had trip . every single week . there's always something going on . but glad that it came to end . for this semester though! . next semester, the same thing coming all over again . aish . do i regret to choose marine technology? nope . seriously . i have fun . although its tiring . but its something that i like to do. i'm not a person that likes to stay in one place and reading and studying. that's just not me. i like to go out . so yeah marine technology is the right place for me . i've came to love all the things i did in marine tech .
other story i want to tell is that i've got my new hair . and how i love my new hair damn much ! . yeah coz its also expensive . tergadai kot nk buat rambut nih . hahaha . err bunyik cam riak sangat ke ak ckp? ak tak cakap pon rmbut ak cntik kan . hahah . i just want to show you my new look . that's all .

ahh . this pic shud be in my next post . but nvm .
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