last week i went to the prostar msia's agm and election at the crystal crown petaling jaya . to those who didn't heard the news our president of kelab prostar msia now is dr.ismail . not dr.rashid anymore . i'm gonna miss dr.rashid . thnx a lot doc for your 10 years of patience and hard work in mobilizing and improving prostar all this years . 2 days at the hotel i became a fat b***h . haha!! . i ate a lot!!! gile vavi nye byk . hahaha!! . that is one of the advantage joining prostar . makan free!! huhu . i met my old friends and colleagues at prostar mostly from prostar selangor . they all just same like old days . fat and grumpy . huhu =] . so ok where's the suprise?? . a guy . i didn't expect to see him there coz i thought he was dead already but nope he's still alive fat chubbier than ever!! though he's still have the looks that can take away a girls heart . really ahh?? . maybe . i was oook to saw him there and talked to him . takpela die pun manusia jgak . people made mistakes . but i think he's got his lesson . haha wuteva . i and huda was a bit out of control . we took a lot of picture . posing is my new addiction . haha!! some of the pics i already published it in my flickr . so check out my latest invention !!! .
from left : sufi , khaty , huda , sape lg?? no i think dats all . haha!!! =]
penuh satu meja!!! hahaha! ke-anakdara-an sgguh.....
a bit blurr la . but i still like it =]
melonjak keriangan!! haha!! i have no idea why . huhu
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