Thursday, January 8, 2009

tagged by kiela (again)

10 years ago (1999)
1. My grandmother died
2. I was the smartest in my class
3. I thought that by eating fruit seed will grow a plant in my stomach

5 years ago (2004)
1. My father died
2. I own a handphone for the first time
3. I met my first boyfriend

2 years ago (2007)
1. I had my first heartbreak
2. I dyed my hair
3. I had the shortest relationship in my life (1 week)

1 year ago (2008)
1. My latest relationship was over
2. I sucessfully lose about 5 kg of my body weight
3. I pierced my ear(upper part of my ear)

Yesterday (7 January 2008)
1. I went to pavilion
2. I watched histeria
3. I bought a short pants

Today (8 January 2008),
1. I nearly got someone killed in my driving class . my bad!
2. I post 3 blog . was tagged by kiela
3. I want to sleep early

Tomorrow, I will...
1. continue my driving class
2. wash my hair
3. want to have a bread with grape peanut butter for breakfast

Three snacks I enjoy
1. peanut butter
2. nips
3. cheezels

Three things I can't live without
1. money
2. handphone

3. watch

Three things I wanna buy with RM 1K
1. new pair of jeans
2. a pair of leather boot
3. a new handphone

Three shows I like:
1. House
2. THS
3. CSI

Three places I've lived in
1. Batu 3
2. Batu 4
3. Kapar

I tagged :
And anyone

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