i'm back to school again! gosh! we had a day for some kind of merentas desa la kot . but we didn't have to run just walking carrying our practicum banners . practicum is a tutoring class only about 20 people per practicum . so the night before the event we all slept really late just to finished our banners . but yeah even though with packed class we had a fun time . i really amazed by the spirit that heated up the event . sgt bersemangat uh! . bila dah kumpul mcm tu bru la tau byk gle student matrik penang nih . yg tak pernah ku jumpe aritu bru jumpe . hehe . yela i missed the orientation week kot! . hahahaha! . a lot of fun la that day . tiring but happy ;p

my practicum H9P5!
ain , caca , mila , ada , dien .
ecah the girl next door , dien the girl next F2P5 , eja the girl living across my room .
ok ok F2P5? . what or who is that??? . i'll tell later... sabar!
ok ok F2P5? . what or who is that??? . i'll tell later... sabar!
puvan , mila , sudarmin . org slalu tersilap pggl nme die sudirman hehehe . takpela sudarmin oii . famous kot sudirman bkn nme sbnr heee XD
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