i miss my blog.. and i miss you all!! XD
such a long time i didn't update my blog . takde masa nk update . and not always i can get wifi here . i have to drag my lappy to library kot and there where everyone was studying but i'm busy blogging plak . so i have to drag along my books so takde la mcm tak blaja langsung en . seriously if one day i didn't touch a book at all that means somethings is wrong . bkn nk tunjuk gler rajin blaja la but at least kne ade jgak study .
next month i will sit for my final . it's damn scarrying!!! siot je weh! now lectures are like catching a moving train . we have to finish the syllabus . 11 chapter for biology,, 8 chapter for chemistry and 8 chapter for maths,, all in 1 semester . looking at the numbers macam nak pengsan da....
enough with that now . klu nk cerita pn smp esok tak habis . hehehe.. now i'm just enjoying updating my blog .
here's actually to my dear friend and my ex-roomate Chong! . she's now in uniten taking foundation in business and if happen she will fly to US for 3 years . i miss you pot! hehe . ni ha gambar2 mse kat matrik dlu . nk tunjuk kat ko asyik tak sempat je . hehe . bestnye weh klu ko ade . rindu gler kt ko :( sob sob .

such a long time i didn't update my blog . takde masa nk update . and not always i can get wifi here . i have to drag my lappy to library kot and there where everyone was studying but i'm busy blogging plak . so i have to drag along my books so takde la mcm tak blaja langsung en . seriously if one day i didn't touch a book at all that means somethings is wrong . bkn nk tunjuk gler rajin blaja la but at least kne ade jgak study .
next month i will sit for my final . it's damn scarrying!!! siot je weh! now lectures are like catching a moving train . we have to finish the syllabus . 11 chapter for biology,, 8 chapter for chemistry and 8 chapter for maths,, all in 1 semester . looking at the numbers macam nak pengsan da....
enough with that now . klu nk cerita pn smp esok tak habis . hehehe.. now i'm just enjoying updating my blog .
here's actually to my dear friend and my ex-roomate Chong! . she's now in uniten taking foundation in business and if happen she will fly to US for 3 years . i miss you pot! hehe . ni ha gambar2 mse kat matrik dlu . nk tunjuk kat ko asyik tak sempat je . hehe . bestnye weh klu ko ade . rindu gler kt ko :( sob sob .
Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar
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