Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

MALUNYE!!!!! . ehehe=] . now everyone noe my secrets bout . adoiyaii . i beg to u all pliz jgn kantoi dpn sudahla . x snggup woo~~ . yesterday i almost do sumthg stupid! . after school finish . i packed my thgs n leave the class . suddenly i saw walking towards me . and he's looking at me!(mke die nmpk mcm nk tgur) . but dont noe why in the world i turn my head the other side (padahal ade kat dpn ak) . then i realize what the heck??! . so i turn back and look at him . but he just walk away without looking back . haiyaa!! . now i feel he must think i am crazy coz my face at dat time look like i juz saw a ghost ( ke ghostnye?? huhu=]) . then to make thgs worst! . mandy who actually behind my back at that time saw evrthg and she laugh! (truk tul mandy!!!) . she laugh out loud ok! . of coz dgr mse tu and msti die pk 'budak2 ni da gle ke? nmpk ak trus tgelak' . ya allah malunye!!! . xtau la pasni ak nk letak kt mne muke ni ble ade
** today i tserempak twice!! that one time i almost bumped him bt then i wish 'gudmornin' where its actually 5 pm at dat time! sengal! bt he said helo to me.. uhuhu=] He's cute!