Monday, May 27, 2013

The Pretty Reckless

Another batch of songs. I'm sure most of us already knew who is The Pretty Reckless. It was two years ago when I heard about this band, where I'm immediately hooked by their two songs. I think at that time they only have two songs. Which is Make Me Wanna Die and Miss Nothing. 

Make Me Wanna Die

Miss Nothing

Just tonight while I was in my car I heard Make Me Wanna Die airing on the radio. And I thought, it is just one song, from the band, they actually have more songs that are simply more amazing than Make Me Wanna Die. I'm not saying the song are not good, it's amazing, but also becoming mainstream. I realized most people only listen to one hit single whereas the artist album have many more amazing songs. It's just unfortunate that mainstream music and radio dictates what should be heard and what not. 

So yeah, this is another songs introductory from bands that I like. Seriously my music library are so so so big. But it's only half from what I've listened so far. So here it is. 

My Medicine

Hit Me Like A Man

Cold Blooded

Kill Me

Goin' Down

Just Tonight *** My favorite song

There's a male cover for the song Just Tonight. Seriously, I melted on the floor hearing the guy's voice. He had one of the most amazing male voice I've heard. Unfortunately, I didn't have any idea who sang it. You have to listen to this. No. Must. You. Must Listen To This. 

Just Tonight (Male Cover) *** I love love love love it. LOVE IT. 

Okay. That's all. Bye guys. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ever heard of a band called The Cab? Well now you do.

Okay. I've found so many new music in the internet. But I haven't got the time to download all the songs. Yes, sir. I'm guilty as charged downloading almost 10000 songs illegally. But who does not? Right. Okay back to the point, I had to make a list. So that I can track the songs when I had time. So this is the list. I just had to embed everything. 

Owh yeah. I'm such an idiot I actually forgot to tell you guys that I went to Maroon 5 concert last year at Stadium Shah Alam. But I haven't got around to post it on this blog. I swear people, when I finish my exams and very well graduated from degree, I will update my blog. Yup. So again I forgot to mention, The Cab was actually a guest band performing at the Maroon 5 concert. I swear up and down guys, these guys are totally amazingggggg.

These are among the songs from The Cab that I really like. All their songs are amazing. But these songs are just wow. Especially Temporary Bliss and Lovesick Fool. I love love love both songs. For me these guys are one of the best indie bands I've ever heard. I'm not saying this just from listening to their songs. I'm saying this because I've seen them performed on the stage at the Maroon 5 concert (I remember one of the songs was Temporary Bliss) and seriously wow, I've never heard a song performed live that exactly sound the same in the recording. The voice, the sound from the instruments, it's just so perfect. So I'm just surprised they're not as famous as they're supposed to be. But what the heck, maybe they're not famous in the mainstream music but they rock indie music world and for indie music fans, they're the Justin Bieber. 

To The Cab, keep doing what you're doing because you guys are just so amazing. And maybe you can come again to Malaysia? Hoping to see you guys perform again. I wish you guys all the best. Bye :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

I really hope that you'll be happy

When my friends are engaged and to be married, for me that was the happy moments for me. Yeah, any friends should be happy for their friends happiness right. It doesn't matter for me if we both have a past, a history. Friends stays forever. So I was shocked to know that one of my friends were engaged and I didn't know anything about it until my other friends told me that this fella had been engaged for months. I literally had a heart attack, my heart jumps out of my ribcage and I swear my face looks like a deer caught in headlights.

I'm happy for him you see. Because before he was engaged he had expressed his feelings for me and I rejected him. We had been in that situation for about a year where there was several times where he proposed me but every single time I said no. So it's a long time. People thought that we were a thing but actually we're not. Never was. Things not quite good during those days. There's even a point of awkwardness between us because some bad things happened. We had a big argument and that ended things. But even that, we're still friends until today. So when I knew that he was engaged recently, I truly felt happy for him.

You see, I like being friends with people. Some of my friendships are platonic. But when things went too far, when they asked to be my boyfriend, I always run. I'm not afraid of relationship.. I'm just not ready. I don't know if I can commit. To commit in a relationship, to be with one person fully give your heart to them, I don't know if I can do that. I want to find someone special. But more importantly I want to find someone that I know I can commit. And I still haven't find that person. Yes, maybe there's a conflict of statement where in my previous post I said that I gave a part of me to someone. What I gave to that person was my feelings. My feelings are apart of me. That's an entirely different from giving commitments. Because I assure you that the only reason I will commit to someone is that I love that person and I'm sure that he is the one. So having a deep feelings and in love are two completely different things. I know that now. I've learnt my lesson.

So when things ended between me and my friend there, it's not good. I knew from my other friends that he was so upset and I literally broke his heart. I felt guilty. So guilty because I know I'm a bad person. I kept saying no to him but I never make clear of things between us. In a way, I was leading him on. But when things truly ended, I turned from special friends to 'just friends'. I quit telling my problems to him. I quit seeing him or texting him. Sometimes I ignored him. I did that because I don't want to lead him on again. It breaks my heart to do it to a friend but I had to. I continued doing it until recently where I knew that he was engaged.

What makes me marveled the situation right now is that, why am I the last person among our friends that knew he was engaged? He didn't tell me straight to my face you know. I had to know from other friends. Why is that? I think I had the right to know. And given our history, he should tell me the truth. I think I deserves that decency. I never expect anything from him. Just the truth from his mouth telling me that he had moved on, so I can sleep at night peacefully knowing that he had found someone else and were happy. He told our friends except me. I thought that I'm his friend?

I'm not mad at him you know. How can I be mad? I mean a big part of me actually felt relieved that now I'm finally off the burden. I'm no longer that person who broke his heart. I'm no longer the bad person that his friends sees. I'm not even upset. I'm happy for him. Truly happy. I just wish that he told me sooner.

"I Hope You Find It" - Miley Cyrus

And I hope you find it,
What you're looking for
And I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be
And so much more

And I hope you're happy, wherever you are
I wanted you to know that
And nothing's gonna change that
And I hope you find it

Friday, February 1, 2013

What's the point of having food if you can't eat it?

Setelah baru beberapa hari ye.. owh seminggu, yup . Setelah seminggu aku bercuti di rumah , guess what , I'm gaining extra chubbiness here and there ! . Yup . Hal ini telah terbukti bila Muin cakap aku dah chubby tadi . Siapa Muin ? Biarlah rahsia.. Ahaha . Aku cakap balik kat dia mana ada sebab aku pakai snow hat and my hair was tied up in it jadi nampaklah muka bulat . Dah memang muka aku bulat nak buat macam mana kan .

But yes seminggu di rumah , bangun nak dekat tengahari buta , kerja asyik nak makan je macam mana la tak bulat . Tapi setelah si dia aka Muin yang aku sayang ni dah kata aku chubby nak tak nak kena la control makan . Control makan apanye? . Dating dengan dia dah  makan char kuey teow dekat Seksyen 7 Shah Alam medan makan right infront of I-City . By the way the char kuey teow was surprisingly good la considering the place was not quite fancy , if you get what I mean . Anyway , after our dinner I came back to my home and I managed to gobbled down a bowl of rice with dim sum soup which I had handsomely cook earlier the day . So, control eating? . Diet? . What animal language is that ? . Ikan jerung? . Haha owh Kak Pah Listen is so epic! . I adore that rude lady so much ! Lol .

Tudiaaa . I-City Waterworld . Nampak best tapi orang kata tak best . Ape pon USS gak paling best . Muahaha

Jadi memikirkan masalah yang melanda ni , dengan ini saya telah berjanji untuk membuat satu resolution untuk menguruskan badan . Okay who am I kidding . No one . Because there's no way I can get my big bumper size 8 to a size 4 . No f-ing way . So the right resolution is to eat healthily , control eating and yeah as long as I can fit in a size S shirt , that's okay . Haa pelik kan . Badan aku boleh pakai baju size S tapi tak boleh pakai seluar size 4! . Sebab itu aku panggil my lower part of body a bumper . I have a big bumper the size of goddamn tractor .

So my 2013 resolution is, well athough it's a lil bit late but whatever is to EAT HEALTHY . Woot ! . Tiba-tiba ada semangat kamekaze pulak . Haha . So how to eat healthy ? . The  following info is 100% useful for anyone who wanted to change their eating style . May all of us become a great supermodel one day . Ptuih . Dlm mimpi laaa .. anyway the info I got from wiki . But nah, I'm going to improvised a bit . Bagi sesuai la dengan style orang jawa kan . Muahaha .

1) Adopt a healthy attitude towards food

Seriously mula-mula aku tak faham apa bende wiki ni cakap pasal healthier replacement , eating disorder tapi ada satu point yang aku faham : "See food as a sustenance" . Lihat lah makanan itu satu keperluan . Haa macam yang selalu kita dengar "makan untuk hidup" bukan "hidup untuk makan" . Makan secara sederhana . Cukup untuk menghilangkan rasa lapar . Seperti kata orang "makan sebelum lapar berhenti sebelum kenyang" . Ya ini bukan dari hadis nabi ye kalau nak tahu . Seperti yang aku baca tidak ada hadis nabi yang mengatakan macam tu .  Hadis yang kununnya membawa maksud phrase di atas tu telah dibahaskan dan diyakini tidak memiliki sanad . Jadi janganlah kita terikut-ikut cakap orang kalau ada yang kata itu hadis nabi . Maksud phrase tu bila kita makan seeloknya kita makan sebelum kita rasa lapar . Sebabnya bila kita lapar semua benda kita nak makan betul tak?. Betul kan?. Kalau pergi supermarket time lapar , ya rabbi , macam orang sebulan tak makan kaw . Benda-benda yang tak pernah aku beli semua aku beli . Haha . Yeah I'm talking about me .

Macam peti ais rumah aku sekarang . Courtesy yours truly . =____="

Minggu ni aku telah dilanda demam supermarket dimana semua supermarket yang ada dalam kawasan Klang ni semua telah aku jajah . Bahananya 4 hari duit abis RM 2++ beli makanan je taw . Gila tak . So friends when you're in the mood of eating or hungry just avoid to go to supermarket please . Well another part of the phrase is that we should stop eating before we become full . Sebelum kita kenyang seeloknya kita berhenti makan . Jangan makan tak ingat dunia . Perut dah lepas buah dada tapi mulut sumbat lagi dengan sushi . Haha . Cakap pasal aku lagi la tu . Adoiyaii ye ape nak jadi la dengan aku ni kan . Mana taknye pegi makan kat Sushi King . Kau tahu je la Sushi King tu style dia macam mana . Berderet-deret sushi tu jalan pusing-pusing satu kedai atas conveyor belt tu . Lalu lang tepi-tepi kau . Tengok pon sedap je . Nak pulak kalau nak makan haa capai je tangan tu ambik berpinggan-pinggan . Memang padan la aku boroi macam orang mengandung makan situ . Huhu . Jadinya sebelum perut tu dah tak boleh menahan isi makanan baik lah berhenti makan . Ade petua cakap kalau kita makan tiba-tiba kita sendawa, itu maksudnya perut tu dah bagi signal yang die dah penuh . So paham-pahamlah kan . Gedang gendut tali kecapi, kenyang perut kau berhentilah . Hehe .

2) Determine how many calories your body needs to function each day

If you always calculate your calories everyday before you eat then I guess this step is simple to you . But for people like me yang tak hafal pon piramid makanan tu tak payah susah kan diri nak kira calorie . Kalau dah makan pon lupa baca bismillah ingat pulak kau nak kira calorie kan . Haha . Aku lah jugak kadang-kadang lupa baca . Huhu . So the easiest way to do this is , for me lah kalau kauorang semua tak nak ikut suka hati lah , cuba try bajet dulu dalam satu hari untuk kau rasa tak lapar berapa banyak makanan kau kena makan . I'm sure that everybody can know how much food they need each day . I repeat need . Bukan nak ya . Macam satu hari aku makan satu kali pon cukup dah . Tengahari atau malam . Makan nasi la . Tapi dalam satu hari tu banyak juga aku makan snacks macam kuih-kuih , keropok lekor , pisang goreng , sometimes fruits , benda-benda macam tu la . So makan nasi tengahari atau malam yang lain-lain tu snacks . Kalau aku makan nasi tengahari atau malam itu maksudnya aku dah terlebih kenyang . Awas : Terlebih kenyang adalah sangat tak elok sebab boleh membawa kepada kemalasan . 

Jadi cuba la bajet-bajet makan korang tu mengikut keperluan . Jangan kalau dah makan nasi 3 kali , pagi nasi , tengahari nasi , malam pon nasi , kang tengah malam nak bedal nasi lagi silap-silap tauke beras pon boleh pening . So maintain lah makan tu . Kalau 3 kali makan nasi 3 kali je lah . Jangan lebih pulak . Lagi satu aku nak ingatkan lah ea kita ni orang Asia . Nasi tu makanan ruji . Jangan la poyo sangat nak makan pasta je , burger je , pizza je , western-western segala . Bagi orang yang suka sangat makan burger , roti , pizza , dan bagi orang yang pikir makan macam tu sebab takot gemuk and better dari nasi , ni haa nak bagi tau , makanan-makanan macam tu lagi tinggi carbohydrate die berbanding nasi . Sebabnye dalam roti ada campuran macam gula , chemicals , perasa-perasa untuk menambah kesedapan roti tu lagi . Tapi kalau nasi sah-sah asal nye memang beras je kan . So it's better to eat rice than bread .

A boo on Amazon not about food though but the title .  Bread and Rice . Kita tak boleh la ok . There's only Bread OR Rice . Choose one. 

3) Drink plenty of water 

This one I think is probably the most important , H2O . Huh tak boleh buat subscript tak reti . Yes yes . Sebelum ni , I've neglected my water intake each day . Sometimes I drank only 2 glass of water a day . Sampai macam tu punya teruk . Yang pelik nya tekak aku tak rasa haus sebab tu lah aku macam tak kisah je minum sikit satu hari . Tapi lepas aku di lecture dengan Muin , barulah aku sedar penting nya air tu untuk badan . Tekak tu memang tak rasa haus tapi ketahui lah badan kita ni kehausan . Setiap hari kita perlu minum sekurang-kurangnya 2 liter satu hari! . Haa tak bocor pundi kencing kau asyik nak ke toilet je . Tapi aku pon tak boleh minum sampai 2 liter satu hari . Paling-paling kurang aku minum satu hari 1 liter . Uii serious tak larat la nk minum banyak-banyak . Aku tak paham macam mana Muin boleh tahan . Tebal pundi kencing die gaknye . Haha

Well according to wiki, it said that staying hydrated can help you feel full . So the more you drink the less you eat . If you feel like snacking macam aku lah suka makan snacks gitu , then try drinking a glass of water .   Because some people confuse thirst for hunger . But if you still feel like snacking even after you drink then it's time for snacking . Yeay ! . Please jangan snack Twisties ok . Amat lah tak elok . Awas : Makan Twisties samalah makan satu pinggan kencing semut . Haha tipu je . Jangan merajuk =P

Eh ada banyak lagi ni sebenarnya tapi aku ni dah tak larat pulak nak menghabiskan semua malam ni . Sebabnya aku nak sambung tengok One Tree Hill . Muahaha ulang season 1 . Epic gila Lucas dengan Peyton kan . Aku suka sangat-sangat dekat diorang tu . They are the perfect reflection of when love being f-ing hard to stay in your life you try f-ing harder to stay with it .

Tapi memang betul bila kita dah jumpa someone who make your day happier then the day before , someone who just happy to be with each other same as you , someone who understands you like you understand himself , someone whom you doesn't have to hide who you really are and accept you for who you are exclude the past , materials , status , but just you . Then you have to fight for that person to stay in your life . Because you're just that lucky to have met him .

Like always I ended a post with a song .

Pieces by Red

Ok this is a snippet of Lucas and Peyton . Great video . And also with the same song from Red .